If you would like to place a custom order please email hello@jellyfishtide.com
What would you like stamped on the outside of your bracelet?
Which font would you like? MARGiE grateful sunshine jenna sue Jenna Sue UPPER and lower driftwood ROMANCE small type for skinny cuffs
Design stamp on end? no design american flag anchor arrow (simple) arrow (fancy) arrows crossing awareness ribbon baby feet bird standing baby bird butterfly camera cat face cherries coffee/ tea cup conch shell crab cross dog face dog sitting dog sitting x 2 donut dragonfly elephant feather flip flops flowers four leaf clover eye glasses heart outline heart with heartbeat line heartbeat cardiac line hibiscus flower horseshoe jesus fish lightning bolt margarita glass medical alert symbol moon mountains music note north carolina om symbol owl paw print puzzle piece rainbow rock crawler robot sand dollar shark snowflake sparkly diamond starfish stars sunshine tiara crown tidal wave teepee wine glass
This is a gift for:
What do you want the world to know?
Your favorite scripture or saying? Your favorite people? What about the names of your four legged friends? There's a design stamp to match your favorite pooch or feline too!